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Calisthenic Exercises for Bigger Forearms


Updated: Dec 24, 2024

Close-up image of muscular arms flexing, demonstrating strength and definition.

Every sportsperson knows the importance of forearm strength. Especially in calisthenics, forearms, and grip strength play a pivotal role in upper-body workouts. This article delves deeper into the best calisthenic exercises for forearms, providing detailed, actionable advice on how to achieve your fitness goals.

1. Pull-ups: The Simplest Yet Effective

Pull-up, the most basic calisthenic exercise, is also one of the most effective workouts for growing your forearms and back.

How to Perform a Pull-up

  1. Stand under a pull-up bar and grab it with an overhand grip.

  2. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart.

  3. Pull yourself up until your chin is above the bar.

  4. Lower your body back down.

  5. Repeat this process.

Remember, the slower you perform this workout, the more your forearm muscles will work, leading to better growth.

2. Commando Pull-up: Target More Muscles

The commando pull-up is easier to perform than regular pull-ups but activates more forearm muscles and brachialis (muscles responsible for wrist flexion and extension).

Performing the Commando Pull-up

  1. Start by hanging from a pull-up bar with your hands shoulder-width apart.

  2. Pull your body up towards one hand, keeping your body straight.

  3. Lower yourself down and repeat, alternating sides.

3. Towel Pull-up: Forearm and Grip Strength Booster

This exercise, a killer for growing both forearm and grip strength, involves hanging a towel onto the bar and using the towel for pull-ups. Personally, this is the best calisthenics exercise for forearms.

How to Perform a Towel Pull-up

  1. Hang a towel over a pull-up bar and grab both ends.

  2. Pull your body up until your chin is level with your hands.

  3. Lower yourself back down and repeat.

4. Handstand Push-up: Balancing Act

Holding balance in a handstand position requires significant activation of the forearm muscles to support your body weight. It is effective for targeting forearms and shoulders.

Performing Handstand Push-up

  1. Get into a handstand position, either against the wall or freestanding.

  2. Lower your body until your head almost touches the floor.

  3. Push yourself back up to the handstand position.

  4. Repeat the process.

5. Wall Walk: More Than Just Forearms

This exercise might look easy, but it can be demanding on your shoulders and forearms. It's an excellent way to learn to hold your balance and grow other muscle groups like the chest, core, wrist, triceps, and upper and lower backs.

How to Perform a Wall Walk

  1. Start in a high plank position with your feet against a wall.

  2. Walk your hands towards the wall while walking your feet up the wall.

  3. Keep going until you can comfortably hold your balance (almost your touches the wall.)

  4. Reverse the movement to return to the starting position.

6. Wall Plank: Intense Workout

The wall plank is a tough workout that targets your core, shoulder, and forearms. You'll feel so much pressure on your forearm, make sure to warm up your arm properly before doing this workout.

How to Perform a Wall Plank

  1. Start in a plank position with your feet against a wall.

  2. Walk your feet up the wall until your body is almost perpendicular to the floor.

  3. Hold this position as long as you can.

7. Bodyweight Skull Crusher: More Than Just Triceps

While this exercise is more focused on the triceps, it still activates part of the forearms. It's great if you want to get big arms in general.

How to Perform a Bodyweight Skull Crusher

  1. Place your hands on a set of parallel bars or any object that is at a good height.

  2. Lower your body towards the ground while keeping your elbows tucked in.

  3. Push yourself back up to the starting position.

8. Rope Climb: Tough Pulling Workout

This workout is a highly effective exercise that targets not only the forearms but also engages multiple muscle groups. It particularly emphasizes the need for a strong grip. If you don't have access to a rope, you can use gymnastic rings to simulate the climbing motion. Simply ascend as the ring rotates downward.

How to Rope Climb

  1. Reach up and firmly grip the rope or rings with both hands

  2. Pull yourself up by raising your knees towards your chest.

  3. Once you reach the top, lower yourself down hand-over-hand, maintaining control throughout the movement.

9. Hangboard Pull-up: Intense Finger Strength

Climbing Hnagbaords hanging on the tree

If you're looking to develop serious forearm and finger strength like a rock climber, the hangboard pull-up is an ideal exercise. By using calisthenics hangbaord, you'll target the small muscle groups in your fingers and forearms, making even regular pull-ups feel more challenging. You'll likely find that your pull-up reps decrease initially, but this exercise will increase your overall finger strength and improve your grip endurance.

How to Perform a Hangboard Pull-up:

1, Set up the hangboard: Secure a climbing-style hangboard to a pull-up bar or a sturdy tree branch using a cord and strap.

2, Choose a grip: Select a suitable hold on the hangboard, such as a pocket or a slat, depending on your experience level.

3, Pull yourself up: Grab the hold and perform a pull-up, focusing on engaging your fingers and forearms. The smaller the hold, the more intense the challenge for your fingers.

In conclusion, calisthenic exercises for the forearms are not just about strengthening the forearms. They also work on other muscle groups, helping you achieve your overall fitness goals. So, start including these exercises in your workout routine to get strong forearms!


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