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Control Your Higher and Lower Self to Accomplish Goals 2024


Angel and devil representing good and bad minds in inner conflict.

In the pursuit of personal growth and achieving goals, one often encounters an internal struggle. This is a battle between your stronger self - your higher self, and your weaker side - your lower self. Learning to control and overcome the weaker side can pave the way to success. This article explores strategies to bolster your higher self and suppress the impulses of your lower self.

Understanding Your Higher Self and Lower Self

The concept of your higher self and your lower self is just like the classic tale of Jekyll and Hyde. The higher self symbolizes strength, determination, and the drive to pursue goals. Conversely, the lower self often leads you astray, encouraging laziness and old, detrimental habits. Recognizing that you possess both a strong and a weak side is the first step in taking control.

The Higher Self: The Driver of Success

Your higher self embodies your aspirations, strive to work at it, persevere, and avoid obstacles that slow down your progress. When you decide to chase your objectives, this part of you takes the reins, ensuring that you stay the course.

The Lower Self: The Voice of Discouragement

In contrast, your lower self often tries to drag you down to the 'easy path' - back to old habits, procrastination, and lack of commitment. It's a whisper in your ear, tempting you to take a break when you should be pushing forward.

The Battle Within Your Mind: Controlling the Weak Side

The urge of your weaker side, also known as laziness, can be overwhelming. This lower self is similar to a devil's voice, whispering, 'You don't need to work today; you've worked so hard, take a break.' I suppose most people are familiar with this internal dialogue. During these moments, your higher self fights to maintain control but might not be strong enough to regain full control immediately. However, with every victorious battle over your lower self, your higher self grows stronger. This strengthening of the higher self is directly proportional to the increase in willpower.

Just push your stronger side a little and take control of your body. Command your lower self to get out, reminding it that the owner of your body is the higher self within you.

Scenario: The Struggle Between the Two Selves

Imagine this scenario: You've committed to changing your life and achieving financial freedom. Each day, you diligently work towards your goal, staying away from time-wasting habits like phone addiction or indulging in Netflix marathons. Then, one day, your weaker side shows up, attempting to take control when you're physically and mentally tired. It persuades you, saying, 'Take a break today; one day won't destroy your progress.' Meanwhile, your stronger self reminds you, 'No, I committed to staying the course until I succeed.' Although the voice of your stronger self may not be overt at this moment, it's crucial to harness your willpower to overcome the weaker side.

Strengthening Willpower: The Key to Success

Every time we use our willpower to do something we don't want to do or resist temptation, our willpower increases. However, keep in mind that willpower diminishes if we stop using it. To prevent this, consistently engage in activities that require willpower. Your higher self gains strength as your willpower increases. During challenging moments, focus on commanding your body to engage in necessary tasks and avoid falling back into old habits. As your higher self takes control, the influence of your lower self fades away.

The Role of the Two Selves in Interpersonal Relationships

Your higher and lower selves aren't just about personal goals; they also influence interpersonal relationships. This can often manifest as ego.

Scenario: The Two Selves in Disagreements

In a disagreement, your higher self tries to understand others' perspectives, while your lower self tends to criticize and believe in its absolute correctness. Recognizing when your lower self hijacks your thought process can help you bring forth your higher self. Of course, it's not easy to recognize this takeover at that moment, but once you become aware of your lower self taking control, you can consciously bring forth your higher self. This awareness enables you to approach the situation with an open mind, fostering better understanding and collaboration.

The 18-Month Rule: Creating Lifelong Habits

Scientific research shows that when we maintain a a habit for 18 months, it becomes a habit for the almost rest of our lives. Even if we experience a break in this habit after the initial 18 months, we often find ourselves naturally returning to it continuously.

If you're someone who exercises regularly, you may be familiar with the feeling of unease after a week without a workout—there's a sense of unhealthiness, compelling you to hit the gym immediately. The same principle applies to other habits such as reading or learning a new language. Healthy habits create a sense of discomfort when neglected, prompting us to return to them, almost as if we're violating something essential.

The Challenge: Making a Habit Stick

Admittedly, sticking to a habit for 18 months isn't easy. It requires the involvement of your higher self and strong willpower. But if the habit is beneficial, the commitment can lead to a lifetime of positive behavior.

In Conclusion

The lower self, or the weak side, can be strong, but with continuous control and strengthening of your higher self, you can overcome it. Stick to good habits for 18 months, and they can last a lifetime. Remember, your higher self becomes stronger as your willpower increases.

Remember, your journey towards strengthening your higher self and controlling your lower self is a journey of self-discovery, discipline, and determination. It's about recognizing your weaknesses and transforming them into strengths. It's about empowering yourself to take control of your life and achieve your goals. And most importantly, it's about understanding that this journey is a lifelong commitment to personal growth and self-improvement.


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