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The Ugly Truth About Multitasking: Why It Isn't Good


Updated: Dec 21, 2023

Person multitasking at a computer and reviewing documents while smoking a pipe, seems irritated

We've been told that multitasking is essential for improving productivity, and if you can't multitask, you're not a good worker. However, most of us find it challenging to handle multiple tasks at once and assume that it will boost our efficiency and productivity. But is multitasking truly as useful as we think it is? Let's explore the science behind multitasking and discover its actual effects on our productivity.

1. Understanding Multitasking

Multitasking, as the term suggests, refers to the act of performing multiple tasks simultaneously. However, this is a common misconception. Scientific research explains that the human brain is incapable of truly doing two complex tasks at the same time. Instead, when we think we are multitasking, our brain is rapidly switching between tasks. This phenomenon is known as task-switching.

2. The Neuroscience Behind Multitasking

According to neuroscience research, our brain is not capable of multitasking when we try to do two complex tasks at the same time. Instead, it switches quickly between the two tasks. This rapid switching consumes our working memory resources and can lead to errors and reduced attentiveness.

3. Multitasking and Productivity

It's a common misconception that multitasking is an effective way to increase productivity. However, a study conducted by a neuroscientist at Stanford University shows that frequent task-switching can actually lead to a decrease of up to 40% in productivity. Workers tend to take much longer to finish a task when interrupted, even if the interruption is brief.

4. Is Multitasking Beneficial?

The short answer is no. Multitasking can be detrimental to both your productivity and overall well-being. When we're multitasking, not only are we less productive, but we also feel more stressed. Instead of feeling confident, we may feel anxious, impatient, and irritable, rather than confident.

5. The Advantages of Single-Tasking

Focusing on completing one task at a time, also known as single-tasking, has numerous benefits. It can help reduce stress levels, build momentum, increase the quality of output, and strengthen focus. Also, single-tasking can trigger a state of flow, where a person becomes fully engrossed in the task, leading to greater productivity and enjoyment. While multitasking may seem tempting, single-tasking offers a more efficient and effective approach.

6. Strategies to Avoid Multitasking

While understanding the downsides of multitasking is crucial, it's equally important to learn how to avoid falling into the multitasking trap. Here are seven strategies to help you avoid multitasking and boost your productivity:

6.1. Creating a Schedule That Works for You

Different people perform best at different times of the day. Some are morning people, while others are night owls. Determine when you are most productive and schedule your most challenging tasks for those times.

6.2. Practicing Mindful Rituals

Mindful rituals can help train your brain to focus on a single task. This could be as simple as taking a deep breath or listening to a specific playlist when it's time to work.

6.3. Limiting Distractions

Distractions can significantly hamper your productivity. When you need to focus, try putting away your phone, or use an app to block distracting websites. You can also use a timer to allocate specific blocks of time to a particular task.

7. Resting Effectively

An important part of peak performance is recharging well. Taking short breaks between tasks can help recharge your mental batteries and prepare you for the next task. These breaks can be as simple as stretching, listening to music, or taking a short walk.


Multitasking may seem like a great way to accomplish more tasks in less time, but the truth is it can significantly hamper productivity and increase stress levels. By understanding the science behind multitasking and implementing strategies to focus on one task at a time, you can increase your productivity and overall well-being. Remember, when it comes to productivity, it's not about how many tasks you can juggle at once, but how effectively you can complete each task.

In the words of Publilius Syrus, a Latin writer, "To do two things at once is to do neither." So, consider focusing on one task at a time and watch your productivity skyrocket.


Madore, K.P., & Wagner, A.D. (2019). Multicosts of Multitasking. Cerebrum, 2019, cer-04-19. doi:

Sanderson, R. (2016, April 22). Tech-multitasking impacts your memory. The Mindset Clinic.


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